Wednesday, October 28, 2009

blog numero uno. yayy!!

I'm addicted to the online make-up community and everything it has to offer. There's about a gazillion beauty blogs, and tutorials out there, but I think everyone brings something different to the table and we learn a lot from others that share the same passion for it! So here I am sharing my own two cents..

My name is Katie B. and I live in north Jersey. I'm turning 22 in less than a month =) and I've been in love with make-up since the sixth grade (go lipgloss!). I'm no professional, but like most of you, putting on my face is seriously my most favorite part of the day. I believe in the whole "My face is my canvas" ordeal because it's just so truue.. a person can really express their creativity with it.

  I'm in school majoring in Psychology, hopefully getting out May of 2011. After that, I plan to get my masters in Art Therapy because thats what I aspire to be when i "grow up" Art Therapist!! Sounds exciting, yes? Mmhmm yea it is really.. they use art as therapeutic means for people to express themselves and for overall good mental health. Art therapists usually work with people who have clinical mental disorders, children, or the elderly.  Think of it this way, for myself and the rest of this awesome makeup community.. we look at make-up as ART, and I know for sure it makes US happy right? That's like.. Free "art therapy" every morning, right in front of the mirror! =)

anyhoo.. this blog is obviously geared towards my makeup lovin' folks here on the internet. welcome specktra, youtube, makeupalley users. My blog will feature product reviews, possibly FOTDs, new music, my fashion insights, entertainment, tutorials (maaaybe) etc.  I would like to switch it up often, because there IS such thing as TOO MUCH makeup talk, if yaknowwaddda mean =).

fave cosmetics: MAC, urbandecay, MUFE, lorac, clinique, physicians formula, rimmel, maybelline, lancome, l'oreal, sallys, harmon, etc etc etc.

and for the FINALE.. (of this post!)


pictures of my face. yay

**i apologize for the cleavage ladies !! (or not.. what ever you prefer)

til next time. <3 katie


  1. Cute makeup! I love the lip color on you.

  2. Hurray! I look forward to reading your blog.. You seem really nice and relateable (unlike a lot of bloggers) and I'm majoring in psychology too!!

    By the way, those lashes look great.

  3. are those contacts? beautiful anyways :)

  4. You're so beautiful! Just stumbled across your blog and am loving it so far. :)

  5. Gorgeous make-up! & are you wearing contacts?

  6. hey hun!
    i'm having a makeup sale on my blog, so feel free to check it out =)
